Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tracy Took Charge Of Her Plantar Pain

Just received this email from one of my plantar fasciitis program customers.

One of the big mental problems with injuries, especially a plantar fasciitis injury, is the feeling that you're not in control.

You know, something else is in charge of your ability to deal with this injury.

Check out this short email from Tracy of BC Canada.


Hi Brent,

I bought your program only a week ago, and even though I have backed off from doing all the stretches 3 times a day, my foot is feeling alot better.

It is not completely healed so I am about to do my stretching routine now and try to do it more regularly again this week.

I recently told you I took out my orthotics and used your ankle wrap and heel cup recommendations which really helped right away with reducing the pain.

I just want to thank you. I learned something very important through your advice and program.

It has shown me how to deal with pain and injury in general.

I have a history of chronic pain (not too bad but it is always there) from different soft tissue injuries from over the last 20 years, so I was doing less and less and going to the chiropractor for the last 6 years.

He was helping eliminate the pain but it was temporary and I became dependant on him.

What you have taught me is the key to taking care of myself more is by stretching and strengthening.

I feel empowered knowing I do have control over my body and the power to change how I and it feels.

Once I started stretching my feet and applying the same theory to stretch out my back etc I started to feel better all over.

Now that I am through the inflammation phase, I need to strengthen (my whole body) and stop being afraid to do that!

I see now that resting those areas so I don't injure them is the wrong thing to do. I have to strengthen after I've eliminated the inflammation.

Thank you again Brent and I hope others give your program a chance because it has really helped me in more than just one way.

Tracy P., British Columbia, Canada

So %$firstname$%, being able to feel that YOU are in charge of this injury can be a major hurdle, but if you take that first step to get committed to a daily routine as Tracy has, the chances go way up that you'll feel empowered, in charge, and in control of the outcome of healing your plantar injury.

Look, if you're still sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out your next move with how to deal with your plantar pain, stop thinking about it and just take some definite action to finally put a permanent end to your fasciitis pain.

I'll be honest with you, I'm not a miracle worker, and my program doesn't help 100% of the folks out there who buy it.

But with just a 2% refund rate, is there a chance you can be in that other 98%?

I really hope so, because as you can imagine, it makes me feel really, really good to receive emails like Tracy's where I've been able to help her get her life back.

I would love nothing more than to be able to publish a similar email from you where we all get to read how you're now back doing your favorite activities without any more pain.

Let's get you started right now, today, and maybe like Tracy, after a short couple of days you just might be feeling significant pain relief.

Give my program a really honest effort for 15 days, and if you're not feeling anywhere as good as Ian now feels, then just let me know and I'll immediately refund 100% of your purchase price.

Follow this link to pick up your treatment program:

Thanks for your continued interest and looking forward to helping you.


P.S. If online ordering makes you feel uncomfortable, just so you know, I use a 100% secure website for processing all of my credit card and PayPal transactions.

If it's still a problem for you, no worries, I do accept personal and/or bank checks.

You can either send me an email to brent@webtennis.net and/or call my office at 925-246-5551.


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