Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is This Plantar Pain Ever Going To End? - From Distraught To Cured

If you're still putting up with what can seem like a never ending stream of nagging, if not down right searing pain in your heel, then I want you to know there is real hope in being able to self-treat a Plantar Fasciitis injury.

And if you're like a lot of the folks who end up at my website looking for a real solution, a huge majority of them had begun to accept that their foot pain just may be something they will have deal with for the rest of their lives.

Not a great thought and certainly not a great vision for the future.

I received the following email this past week from one of my customers, Doug B. from northern California, who was once at that point of "giving in" to his perception that this might be a condition he'd simply have to put up with for the rest of his life.

Here's what Doug had to say...


I really want to thank you for a well put together program. 

I have been in severe pain for months and finally out of frustration went to the VA Clinic in Martinez (3 times) where the foot doctor examined me. 

He did not explain my condition very well but he did suggest that I stretch but did not really go over exactly how to do this and how often.  The paper he gave me showed a stretch that was so weak, it would not do a very good job of it at all. 

I just finished day three of your plantar treatment program, doing everything you said to do and its amazing my results so far. 

I have added some repeat steps in each session, hope that is OK.

The last 2 mornings I had almost zero pain when I got out of bed in the morning. 

Day 2 I did have some slight discomfort towards the afternoon, but I feel that the stretching might have done that as well. 

I just got home after 9 hours on my feet with almost no pain to speak of. 

I can't wait to see how I'm doing on day 10 or 15. 

I can't believe how much just the stretching part that you recommend has done so far. 

I will let you know how I'm doing on day 10. I'm going to stick to the program by the letter. 

Thanks again.

Regards, Doug B."

(... Doug sent the following email below just a couple of days after the one from above...)

"Dear Brent.

I'm just amazed at my progress.

Today I did my stretches as outlined and really had no pain as I did before. 

When I think of how long I was in discomfort, waking up at night, not being able to walk well in the morning and in just 4 short days, I now can say I really feel so much better.

I should have gone to you from day one but I didn't even know what was wrong with me.  I will let you know how I am progressing with my PF.

Thanks again Brent.

Regards, Doug"

OK, as in Doug's case, it's possible to go from being distraught to being pleasantly surprised after four short days on my treatment program.

I cannot guarantee miracles, but the folks who have the most success with my program are those who simply "stick to the plan" and don't try to reinvent the wheel.

It's easy to perceive that your plantar injury must be somehow different than the next person's, but the reality is that if you can follow simple step-by-step instructions, you can give yourself a real chance of self-treating your plantar pain.

If you're still suffering with a plantar injury, well, you don't have to be.

Claim your copy of my plantar self-treatment program, and let's get you back to whatever is your favorite activity, and doing that favorite activity totally pain free.

This is a totally risk free program.  If I can't help you put a quick & permanent end to your plantar injury, then just ask for and you'll promptly receive a full refund.

Follow this link to put a quick & permanent end to your plantar pain right now.

Thanks and looking forward to helping you.


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