Friday, February 6, 2009

74 Year Old Youngster Gets Her Life Back

With the weekend upon us, and if you're looking at yet another Saturday & Sunday unable to get out there and do those things you love to do, let me pass along a great email I received from one of my customers, Janet A. from Florida, a couple of days ago.  

Here's what Janet had to say... 

"Dear Brent,  

Want you to know this has been a really great program for me.  

I have suffered with heel pain (left) for about 4 years or so.  

I wore a boot for 2 months & went to theraphy. Didn't work.  

The next doctor had me get Brooks athletic shoes & he taped my foot once a week for 4 or 6 weeks. It got somewhat better.  

Then in May of 2007 I moved to Florida and wanted to walk the beach everyday.  

I ended up getting those painful cortisone shots in my heel.  

I abused it by trying to wear flipflops and sandles and from then on it was all downhill.  

By September I was back getting 3 more shots & going to therapy again. 

Then I got an MRI to find out it was a very severe case of PF.  

I have been so confined with this till we were fortunate to find you online.  

I have been using your video for just 5 days and have found great relief.  

I have been getting out and trying not to over do, but if I do too much I just come home and do the exercises you recommend and it seems to take care of it.  

I am so pleased. Thank you so much! I am an active 74 yearold and am looking forward to getting my life back thanks to you Brent."  

Janet A., Florida 

OK, I'll admit that getting an email like Janet's really puts a big grin on my face.  

For me to be able to help a "young" 74 year old gal with what sounds like a very painful injury, it's just really gratifying.  

If you're still suffering with a plantar injury, well, you don't have to be.  

Follow the quick 5 day path that Janet did, claim your copy of my treatment program, and let's get you back to whatever is your favorite activity, and doing that favorite activity totally pain free.  

Follow this link to put a quick & permanent end to your plantar pain right now.

This is a totally risk free program. If I can't help you put a quick & permanent end to your plantar injury, then just ask for and you'll promptly receive a full refund.  

Thanks and looking forward to helping you.  


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