Monday, August 17, 2009

Vacationing with Plantar Fasciitis

If you've ever tried to combine some form of a vacation while you're putting up with plantar pain, you know just how miserable that whole experience can be...

My wife Mai and I have both been through a few bouts of plantar fasciitis, but not a long long time because we now spend a short 5 minute session every day of light stretching and strengthening to help us prevent another miserable plantar injury from ruining another vacation.

That picture was taken this August at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, and if you've ever been there, you know that there is some serious walking that needs to happen if you want to really experience that awesome monument.

I could never have made that walk and also enjoyed the incredible day if I'd still had a plantar injury. No way...

"Hi Brent,

Just to let you know that I have received the DVD and I cannot believe the
difference in just two days doing your programme.

After almost 10 years of suffering it is quite amazing!

The raw feeling in my heel has definitely calmed down.

I should have contacted you a long time ago Brent!

Many many thanks."

Barbara S, United Kingdom

Mai and I also did some fishing along the way back home to California stopping in Wyoming,Utah, and Lake Tahoe to see if we could test the limit (they weren't biting as much as we'd hoped, and as one guy told us, "yeah, I was just two short of the limit". (The limit was 2...)

Mai loves to get into the water, and if you've ever tried to navigate a river with sandals or even bare feet, you know how painful it can be to step on a rock with your heel.

It makes fishing about as much fun as getting hooked yourself.

Look, if you love to get out there on a vacation, whether it's hiking, fishing, walking, or even just shopping, you don't have to do so and put up with your plantar pain anymore.

Try my 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed plantar fasciitis self-treatment program for 15 days, and my bet is that we can get you back to where you want be, pain free and enjoying all of your very favorite vacation activities.

Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551

  • $47 - DVD Version

    • Your Plantar Fasciitis Treatment program DVD is placed in the US Postal mail to you within 1 business day of your order.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping feesto anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

    • If you want to get started treating your plantar injury immediately, you also get immediate access to the treatment program's download page so you can download any or some of the videos, which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod, and the PDF Text Companion file, and the Personal Consultation Form.

      • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files.

  • $47 - Computer Data CD Version

    • Choose this version if you do not have a DVD player and a high speed internet connection.

    • The Data CD disc plays the treatment videos on your computer.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

  • $37 - Download (no Disc) Version

    • You get immediate access to the entire treatment program including all of the video files, the PDF Text Companion, and the Personal Consultation Form

    • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod.

Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Frozen Water Bottle Myth

The Frozen Water Bottle Myth...

I don't get it. Why would we want to ice down the healthy parts of our foot?

This recommendation I frequently hear that we should freeze a water bottle and then roll our foot over it to reduce inflammation and I guess break up scar tissue makes absolutely no sense to me at all.

I remember back to when I had my plantar injuries and I was an icing monster. Big bags of ice several times a day.

I'd sit there thinking I was doing something good for my injury. Wrong...

My foot just got tighter and tighter and the pain got worse. Very frustrating.

We all know that applying ice, if done properly, can help reduce inflammation, so why would we ice down those areas that don't have inflammation?

Rolling our foot over a frozen water bottle?

I mean, come on, there's only about 5% of our foot that's actually injured. (Yeah I know, it feels like our entire body is being tortured when we suffer a plantar injury)...

I do understand the value of using a massage roller to help stretch out the healthy small arch muscles, but if the arch muscles aren't inflamed, then it makes no sense to me to ice them down.

In fact, the way I see it, if you ice down your healthy arch muscles, you temporarily contract them (shorten them) which makes them pull tighter on the inflamed area of your fascia where it connects to your heel bone.

Anything we do that forces that fascia to pull tighter on the inflammation such as icing with a frozen water bottle or laying our foot down on top of a large bag of ice temporarily defeats the purpose of stretching.

The key for me is to stretch out those small arch muscles to help reduce the tension on the fascia connection to our heel bone, not temporarily shortening those muscles by icing.

So here's my thinking, don't ice what's healthy, stretch out the healthy stuff.


Try my no-risk 3 stage self treatment program to help get you back out there and enjoying your favorite activities.

100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - That's right, if I can't help you with your plantar injury, then just let me know, and I'll promptly refund 100% of your purchase price. Zero questions asked.

Claim your copy now of my very popular and extremely successful plantar self treatment program.


Hi Brent,

Thanks for the follow up. Have been fairly good in keeping to the plan. Just a matter of getting into a routine, as you stated, particularly for the stretches during the day.

Good progress. Certainly less discomfort and much better mobility, particularly after the warm up / stretching routine(s).

Thanks for the program, will continue to provide updates.

Regards, Lester (Australia)


Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551

  • $47 - DVD Version

    • Your Plantar Fasciitis Treatment program DVD is placed in the US Postal mail to you within 1 business day of your order.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping feesto anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

    • If you want to get started treating your plantar injury immediately, you also get immediate access to the treatment program's download page so you can download any or some of the videos, which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod, and the PDF Text Companion file, and the Personal Consultation Form.

      • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files.

  • $47 - Computer Data CD Version

    • Choose this version if you do not have a DVD player and a high speed internet connection.

    • The Data CD disc plays the treatment videos on your computer.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

  • $37 - Download (no Disc) Version

    • You get immediate access to the entire treatment program including all of the video files, the PDF Text Companion, and the Personal Consultation Form

    • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod.

Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551

Monday, June 29, 2009

Adults at Play...

I've taught and coached tennis for a long, long time, approaching almost 40 years now.

I love to teach, I love to help others, but what I really love to do is to play & compete in tennis tournaments.

Just like you, I've struggled through a plantar fasciitis injury (3 of them to be exact), and the last time I had to put up with a PF injury about 15 years ago I had to shut down all of my tournaments and even my practice matches.

I was miserable...

That picture above was taken a few weeks ago in the finals when I won the Marin Seniors in Mill Valley, CA.

Being able to play tournaments and train as much as I want to without a plantar injury feels like a bonus because I know the pain, the frustration, and the depression that a plantar fascia injury can impose on us.

Exercise Tip...

One of the things that has kept me injury free for so long now is to make sure I do a couple of things every time I play tennis, do off court training, walk the dogs, take a long walk or hike, or any decent amount of exercise is to wear my ankle wraps on both feet and to take a minute or two to stretch my calf muscles every 30 minutes or so.

The other important factor for me is to make sure I don't do the same training routine two days in a row so my body and muscles don't begin to get too tight and/or get one or more muscle areas too strong so I get a bit out of balance.

Exercise is great, we all know that fact, but variety is the real key to maintaining a balanced body, and I'm convinced that too much of the same exercise can tend to tighten you up, and no matter how much stretching you do to counter that tightening, you can set yourself up for a plantar injury.

What To Do Now...

OK, I'm sure with your plantar injury that you're good and hungry to get back to your normal daily activities which I hope also includes a good deal of exercise.

When your self-treating your plantar injury, it's vital that you maintain or start an exercise program that is non-impact.

Gravity is your enemy at this stage, and the old thinking that you've got to "play through the pain" is only going to re-aggravate any inflammtion you've got.

Until that inflammation has been knocked out, any impact exercise such as running, tennis, long distance walking, even standing for long periods of time, etc. should be avoided.

However, swimming, stationary & road biking (as long as you don't stand up on the bike), maybe even the elliptical trainer should be OK and shouldn't aggravate your inflammation.

If you're on the bike or the elliptical trainer be sure to stop every 10-15 minutes and take a minute or two to stretch our your calf and arch muscles.

If you're swimming laps, avoid pushing off the wall with your feet.

Don't Stand On The Sidelines Any Longer

Start Phase 1 - Inflammation Elimination of my plantar fasciitis self-treatment in the next couple of minutes.

Claim your no-risk 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed treatment program now and let's get you back out there enjoying whatever is your favorite activity...

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

One of my customers, Doug F., recently sent me an email.

Here's what Doug had to say...

"Hi Brent- I just completed day 14 and I really am doing so much better.

I have no pain most of the time and can walk really well.

I have to press hard to find my tender area and many times I can't seem to find this spot.

Before I came down with PF, I enjoyed walking/running about 2 miles per day.

This routine seems to be good for me, before I tried this stretching, I had PF for about 2 months or more and it was not going away.

I can't thank you enough for your help and direction that you gave me, it's the best $37 dollars that I have spent.

Have a great day, I will continue my stretch program forever.

Regards, Doug"

I'm hoping to be able to soon get an email like Doug's from you.

If you're sick and tired of "sitting on the sidelines", do something about it. Claim your copy today of my no-risk plantar fasciitis self-treatment program.

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee


Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Morning Dog Run

A quick story and then a tip to help you finally rid yourslef of your plantar pain...

My wife Mai and I love to get out in the mornings with our two beloved canines, Bob and Allie, and head on over to our local dog park.

Once there, Mai and I take a brisk walk around the park for about 25-30 minutes as Bob and Allie check out all the new smells and play with their buds.

It's a great way to start the day, rain or shine, but back when I was suffering through one of my plantar injuries, there was no way I could have been a part of this scene, especially the walking around the park part.  

I guess I could have sat in the car and just watched, but that would have been torture sitting there watching what I could be doing and knowing that the pain in my heel simply wouldn't allow it.

If you're sick and tired of NOT being able to get out there and do whatever is your very favorite activity, take action right now, claim your copy of my very successful self-treatment Plantar Fasciitis that comes with a lifetime 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

One of my customers, Doug F., recently sent me an email.

Here's what Doug had to say...

"Hi Brent- I just completed day 14 and I really am doing so much better. 

I have no pain most of the time and can walk really well. 

I have to press hard to find my tender area and many times I can't seem to find this spot. 

Before I came down with PF, I enjoyed walking/running about 2 miles per day.

This routine seems to be good for me, before I tried this stretching, I had PF for about 2 months or more and it was not going away. 

I can't thank you enough for your help and direction that you gave me, it's the best $37 dollars that I have spent.

Have a great day, I will continue my stretch program forever.

Regards, Doug"

I'm hoping to be able to soon get an email like Doug's from you.

If you're sick and tired of "sitting on the sidelines", do something about it.  Claim your copy today of my no-risk plantar fasciitis self-treatment program.

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee


Quick Plantar Tip...

If you wake up in the middle of the night, and especially if you have to get out of bed to use the bathroom, take one minute to flex your foot and stretch your arch muscles and fascia.

Just straighten your leg, flex your foot as far "open" as you can and hold that position for about 15 seconds.  Relax for 5 seconds, and then repeat the stretch for another 15 seconds.  Repeat one more time for a total of about one minute.

If you have to get out of bed in the middle of the night, do this one minute flexing stretch session before you get out of bed and then again when you get back into bed.

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

Saturday, March 28, 2009

2 Mile Walk to Spring Training Baseball

One of the things I love to do with my best friend Jim from Boulder, CO every spring is to spend 4 days in Tempe, AZ going to spring training baseball games.

We're both die hard baseball fans, but warm weather and fun people make this a great treat for me every year.

I fly in from Oakland, Jim flys in from Denver, and we arrive about 15 minutes apart at the Phoenix airport on a Thursday morning, rent the car, and head straight to the hotel in Tempe.

The Oakland A's play their spring training baseball games about 2 miles away from the hotel, but with the great weather, it feels so good to be able to take the time to walk over there.

But, as you know, if you've got a Plantar Fasciitis injury, that walk is just not a possibility.

And even though the stadiums are pretty small, and if you drive over to them, even the minimal walking around the stadium can be a painful experience with a PF injury.

Here are a couple of things that can help if you're travelling or have to do any amount of walking and still sufferjng through a plantar injury.
  • Make sure you have an ankle wrap and heel cups (pads) and wear new to almost comfortable athletic shoes that aren't too narrow so they don't pinch your feet.
  • Flex your foot every 30 minutes where you stretch out your arch muscles and fascia.  
    No problem to do this with your shoes on.  
    They key is to try to start to train your arches muscles to stay stretched out and start to beak that cycle of arch stretching and contracting every time you take a step.  
    Especially when you sit down, you really want to flex that foot and keep your arch stretched out.  
    Try to do this at least once every 30 minutes for about 30-60 seconds on each foot.
If you're still putting up with your painful plantar injury, now is the time to try my highly successful plantar fascia injury self-treatment program.

Your purchase is at zero risk.  Try my program for 10 days, and if you don't feel significant pain relief by day 10, then just let me know and I'll immediately refund 100% of your purchase price.

Really looking forward to helping you.  Brent

Monday, March 2, 2009

Is Your Plantar Injury Keeping You Away From Your Favorite Activity...?

One of the most depressing things about suffering through a plantar fasciitis injury is not being able to do all of those things we love to do like sports, hobbies, hiking, walking the dogs, dancing, etc.

Click the Play > button below to start the short Flash video.

If you're still suffering through a plantar injury, don't waste any more time missing out on your favorite activities.

Claim your completely no-risk plantar fasciitis treatment program over at:


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is This Plantar Pain Ever Going To End? - From Distraught To Cured

If you're still putting up with what can seem like a never ending stream of nagging, if not down right searing pain in your heel, then I want you to know there is real hope in being able to self-treat a Plantar Fasciitis injury.

And if you're like a lot of the folks who end up at my website looking for a real solution, a huge majority of them had begun to accept that their foot pain just may be something they will have deal with for the rest of their lives.

Not a great thought and certainly not a great vision for the future.

I received the following email this past week from one of my customers, Doug B. from northern California, who was once at that point of "giving in" to his perception that this might be a condition he'd simply have to put up with for the rest of his life.

Here's what Doug had to say...


I really want to thank you for a well put together program. 

I have been in severe pain for months and finally out of frustration went to the VA Clinic in Martinez (3 times) where the foot doctor examined me. 

He did not explain my condition very well but he did suggest that I stretch but did not really go over exactly how to do this and how often.  The paper he gave me showed a stretch that was so weak, it would not do a very good job of it at all. 

I just finished day three of your plantar treatment program, doing everything you said to do and its amazing my results so far. 

I have added some repeat steps in each session, hope that is OK.

The last 2 mornings I had almost zero pain when I got out of bed in the morning. 

Day 2 I did have some slight discomfort towards the afternoon, but I feel that the stretching might have done that as well. 

I just got home after 9 hours on my feet with almost no pain to speak of. 

I can't wait to see how I'm doing on day 10 or 15. 

I can't believe how much just the stretching part that you recommend has done so far. 

I will let you know how I'm doing on day 10. I'm going to stick to the program by the letter. 

Thanks again.

Regards, Doug B."

(... Doug sent the following email below just a couple of days after the one from above...)

"Dear Brent.

I'm just amazed at my progress.

Today I did my stretches as outlined and really had no pain as I did before. 

When I think of how long I was in discomfort, waking up at night, not being able to walk well in the morning and in just 4 short days, I now can say I really feel so much better.

I should have gone to you from day one but I didn't even know what was wrong with me.  I will let you know how I am progressing with my PF.

Thanks again Brent.

Regards, Doug"

OK, as in Doug's case, it's possible to go from being distraught to being pleasantly surprised after four short days on my treatment program.

I cannot guarantee miracles, but the folks who have the most success with my program are those who simply "stick to the plan" and don't try to reinvent the wheel.

It's easy to perceive that your plantar injury must be somehow different than the next person's, but the reality is that if you can follow simple step-by-step instructions, you can give yourself a real chance of self-treating your plantar pain.

If you're still suffering with a plantar injury, well, you don't have to be.

Claim your copy of my plantar self-treatment program, and let's get you back to whatever is your favorite activity, and doing that favorite activity totally pain free.

This is a totally risk free program.  If I can't help you put a quick & permanent end to your plantar injury, then just ask for and you'll promptly receive a full refund.

Follow this link to put a quick & permanent end to your plantar pain right now.

Thanks and looking forward to helping you.


Friday, February 6, 2009

74 Year Old Youngster Gets Her Life Back

With the weekend upon us, and if you're looking at yet another Saturday & Sunday unable to get out there and do those things you love to do, let me pass along a great email I received from one of my customers, Janet A. from Florida, a couple of days ago.  

Here's what Janet had to say... 

"Dear Brent,  

Want you to know this has been a really great program for me.  

I have suffered with heel pain (left) for about 4 years or so.  

I wore a boot for 2 months & went to theraphy. Didn't work.  

The next doctor had me get Brooks athletic shoes & he taped my foot once a week for 4 or 6 weeks. It got somewhat better.  

Then in May of 2007 I moved to Florida and wanted to walk the beach everyday.  

I ended up getting those painful cortisone shots in my heel.  

I abused it by trying to wear flipflops and sandles and from then on it was all downhill.  

By September I was back getting 3 more shots & going to therapy again. 

Then I got an MRI to find out it was a very severe case of PF.  

I have been so confined with this till we were fortunate to find you online.  

I have been using your video for just 5 days and have found great relief.  

I have been getting out and trying not to over do, but if I do too much I just come home and do the exercises you recommend and it seems to take care of it.  

I am so pleased. Thank you so much! I am an active 74 yearold and am looking forward to getting my life back thanks to you Brent."  

Janet A., Florida 

OK, I'll admit that getting an email like Janet's really puts a big grin on my face.  

For me to be able to help a "young" 74 year old gal with what sounds like a very painful injury, it's just really gratifying.  

If you're still suffering with a plantar injury, well, you don't have to be.  

Follow the quick 5 day path that Janet did, claim your copy of my treatment program, and let's get you back to whatever is your favorite activity, and doing that favorite activity totally pain free.  

Follow this link to put a quick & permanent end to your plantar pain right now.

This is a totally risk free program. If I can't help you put a quick & permanent end to your plantar injury, then just ask for and you'll promptly receive a full refund.  

Thanks and looking forward to helping you.  
