Monday, December 1, 2008

76 Year Old Now Feels Like An Athlete!

I got a wonderful email this morning from one of my customers, Beryl, who had been struggling with a plantar fasciitis injury for quite some time.

What she said helped her the most were the videos, in her words "the visual instructions" from me that made her feel as if she had a coach right there with her maing sure she was doing the stretches and exercises correctly.

Here's what Beryl had to say in her email...

"Dear Mr. Abel,

I want to thank you for all your encouragement and to tell you that I am walking normally and feeling my old self once more.

I persevered with all the exercises and instructions and it paid off handsomely - so thank you very much once again .

I play English Lawn Bowls at a County level and I am sure this is how the situation occured - the only bright spot in all the pain was that at 76 I could boast a "sports injury"!!!

All good wishes. Beryl"


It's always amazing to me how many different types of folks out there are struggling with this injury. It's not really a specific group of people such as athletes, but it's from all walks of life.

If you're still in pain and want to get back to your faborite activity as Beryl did, then try my Plantar Fasciitis treatment program that comes with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

Follow this link to claim your copy now - Brent's Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Program

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