Friday, February 26, 2010

Plantar Fasciitis and "The Stick"

There is no question in my mind that stretching your calf muscles is the #1 key component to eliminating plantar fasciitis inflammation.

However, stretching once a day for 30-45 minutes is fine temporarily, but for the next 23 & 1/2 hours, your calves are trying to contract, shorten, and it's a nasty cycle.

I want to show you what I think it's an inexpensive miracle treatment aid for your fasciitis injury.

Getting stretched out is one thing, but staying stretched out is a very different thing.

If you can maintain the stretch, you can allow that fasciitis injury to heal.

Here's how...


Still Suffering With Your Plantar Fasciitis Pain?

Come on, stop torturing yourself, give me 5 days and let's significantly reduce your plantar pain.

This is craziness just sitting around day after day and dealing with that pain.

100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Absolutely zero questions asked. Your purchase payment is never at risk.

Secure credit card processing. I use the folks over at 1ShoppingCart &, two of the industry's best companies for making sure your payment and contact details are secure and kept confidential.

Claim your guaranteed plantar treatment program now and let's get you back to where you want to be. Pain free and back doing all those things you've been missing...

- QuickStart PDF Guide, DVD, & Immediate Download Access To The Treatment Videos

- QuickStart PDF Guide, DVD, & Immediate Download Access To The Treatment Videos, and 30 minute private one-on-one telephone consultation with Brent

- QuickStart PDF Guide, (no DVD), & Immediate Download Access To The Treatment Videos


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reducing Plantar Inflammation - Stretch For Less Time. Do It More Often...

One of the big problems with dealing with a plantar fasciitis injury is trying to maintain a stretched out position for the muscles in both your feet and your calves.

Think about it...

Conceptually, we need to get our arch and calf muscles stretched out so there is less "pull" from the muscles onto your fascia.

More muscle "pull" onto your fascia and it's really tough to eliminate the inflammation (pain).

I believe that one of the big misconceptions with dealing with a plantar injury is not the fact that we should stretch, but that we should stretch once or twice a day for 30-45 minutes and that's it.

In between those stretching sessions, and let's say you only stretch once a day for 45 minutes, well guess what, those muscles are trying to contract (get shorter) until your next stretching session which might not be for another 24 hours.

If that's your current stretching routine, then you're in a nasty cycle of stretching out muscles and then those muscles are contracting for the rest of the day/night.

So, what's the key?

Shorter stretching sessions of 3-5 minutes and do them several times throughout the day.


Because you can then maintain that stretched out muscle position and get rid of the contracting.

My 3 phase plantar fasciitis treatment program shows you what those stretches are and how to ice properly to get a maximum inflammation reduction.

Also, thought you might get some hope from an email I received yesterday from one of my pleased customers.
Hi Brent,

I've been following your program for 5 days now, doing the Phase 1, 4 times a day to reduce inflamation.

It is definitely helping alot, thank you so much.

As a fitness Instructor I do feel I'm constantly undoing all that work, but the pain has eased a hell of alot & I can walk normally again.

I'm blown away this has only taken 5 days, thank you. So I'm stll progressing & will be continuing with it one day at a time.

I'm doing your 2 min stretch as much as I can, but I know I need to do it more often.

It's more a matter of rembering as well, but it's all good. Hopefully I can move onto Phase 2 soon, but I'm a patient person & understand very well these things take time.

Thanks again,


I want to get an email from you just like Mel's where you share that you are well on your way to getting back to where you want to be.

Choose either the DVD version or the Download Only version of my Planar Fasciitis Treatment program and let's get you healed and hopefully sending me an email within 5 days!

GUARANTEE: Remember, my program is 100% guaranteed to your complete satisfaction. Your purchase is never ever at risk.

Click one of the links below and let's get you started on the quick path to complete pain relief:

- $47 - DVD & Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos)

- $37 - Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos). No disc is sent to you.


P.S. Let's make this the last weekend you have to sit on the sidelines. How cool would it be to be out there enjoying your favorite activities next weekend? I imagine you'd feel pretty good about it...!

- $47 - DVD & Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos)

- $37 - Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos). No disc is sent to you.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Significantly Reduce Your Plantar Pain In The Next 5 Days

If you're still struggling with your plantar pain & the frustration that comes right along with that pain, what are you doing for the next 5 days?

I don't know exactly when it is you're reading this email right now, so what's 5 days from this moment in time?

That's not too far away is it?

If I could set you on a path to where 5 days from today you could have significant & tangible plantar pain relief, I'll bet you'd be a happy camper.

You just might be feeling a lot like Jen M. fromChattanooga, TN.

Jen had been suffering for over 7 months with her plantar injury.

Within 5 days of picking up my self treatment program, well, go ahead and read the email she just sent to me...


"Hi Brent and thanks so much for checking in on me.

After research on the internet, chiropractors, acupuncture, physical therapy, doctor's visits, YOUR PROGRAM is the one that works!!

I ordered it out of desperation for pain relief and to my pleasant surprise it is working well after only five days.

It is the first time in seven months that I have had any relief that has lasted more than a few hours.

I was very regular doing all you said at first, and now that I am better, l have slacked off because my pain is sooo much less and some times even non existent, which I thought was a thing of the past.

Every day I stretch and do most of the exercises you suggest.

Immediately, when I do them, the pain goes away.

Your information is right on and obviously you know what you are talking about because with all the other methods and especially physical therapy, which I thought was going to work, it seemed to OVERDO it.

I was actually beginning to get pain in the other heel. That is when I immediately stopped the therapy and found your website.

Thank you so much for help and I will continue to stay on your program!

Jen M. from Chattanooga, TN

Jen brought up a great point in her email about how we either overdo it ourselves or someone else recommends that we overdo it.

And usually overdoing it equates to too much strengthening prior to eliminating your inflammation (pain) first.

Phase 1 of my program eliminates your pain by reducing inflammation. After we've accomplished that, then you & I can move on to Phase 2 where we do some light strengthening to insure this injury doesn't ever rear it's ugly head again.

Look, I want to help you the same way I helped Jen.

And to add a little incentive for you to at least try my program for 5 days, I'm going to give you a 10% discount coupon because I want to be able to get more emails just like Jen's.

Yeah, I kinda like to hear those success stories, and I wouldn't mind if one of those stories came back from you %$firstname$%!

And yes, it is, my program is guaranteed to your complete satisfaction. If you ever feel you didn't get your money's worth, just let me know and I'll promptly refund 100% of your purchase price.

I do have a 2% refund rate, I know I don't help each and every person out there, but let's look on the positive side and see if we can keep you in that other 98% group!

OK, here's the 10% coupon which by the way is good for the next 24 hours from when you opened up this email. That's right, this is a very time sensitive discount coupon.


Here's how to claim your coupon...

Follow the link below which will take you directly to the payment form for my DVD version of the treatment program.

At the payment form, simply type in:


into the coupon code box, then click "Apply", and you'll get your 10% discount.


OK, follow that link to get your discount and let's get you some significant pain relief within the next few days. Guaranteed.


P.S. Don't forget to click the "Apply" button
after you type in the code word:


at the payment form.

Thanks and hoping to have a chance to help you...


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tracy Took Charge Of Her Plantar Pain

Just received this email from one of my plantar fasciitis program customers.

One of the big mental problems with injuries, especially a plantar fasciitis injury, is the feeling that you're not in control.

You know, something else is in charge of your ability to deal with this injury.

Check out this short email from Tracy of BC Canada.


Hi Brent,

I bought your program only a week ago, and even though I have backed off from doing all the stretches 3 times a day, my foot is feeling alot better.

It is not completely healed so I am about to do my stretching routine now and try to do it more regularly again this week.

I recently told you I took out my orthotics and used your ankle wrap and heel cup recommendations which really helped right away with reducing the pain.

I just want to thank you. I learned something very important through your advice and program.

It has shown me how to deal with pain and injury in general.

I have a history of chronic pain (not too bad but it is always there) from different soft tissue injuries from over the last 20 years, so I was doing less and less and going to the chiropractor for the last 6 years.

He was helping eliminate the pain but it was temporary and I became dependant on him.

What you have taught me is the key to taking care of myself more is by stretching and strengthening.

I feel empowered knowing I do have control over my body and the power to change how I and it feels.

Once I started stretching my feet and applying the same theory to stretch out my back etc I started to feel better all over.

Now that I am through the inflammation phase, I need to strengthen (my whole body) and stop being afraid to do that!

I see now that resting those areas so I don't injure them is the wrong thing to do. I have to strengthen after I've eliminated the inflammation.

Thank you again Brent and I hope others give your program a chance because it has really helped me in more than just one way.

Tracy P., British Columbia, Canada

So %$firstname$%, being able to feel that YOU are in charge of this injury can be a major hurdle, but if you take that first step to get committed to a daily routine as Tracy has, the chances go way up that you'll feel empowered, in charge, and in control of the outcome of healing your plantar injury.

Look, if you're still sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out your next move with how to deal with your plantar pain, stop thinking about it and just take some definite action to finally put a permanent end to your fasciitis pain.

I'll be honest with you, I'm not a miracle worker, and my program doesn't help 100% of the folks out there who buy it.

But with just a 2% refund rate, is there a chance you can be in that other 98%?

I really hope so, because as you can imagine, it makes me feel really, really good to receive emails like Tracy's where I've been able to help her get her life back.

I would love nothing more than to be able to publish a similar email from you where we all get to read how you're now back doing your favorite activities without any more pain.

Let's get you started right now, today, and maybe like Tracy, after a short couple of days you just might be feeling significant pain relief.

Give my program a really honest effort for 15 days, and if you're not feeling anywhere as good as Ian now feels, then just let me know and I'll immediately refund 100% of your purchase price.

Follow this link to pick up your treatment program:

Thanks for your continued interest and looking forward to helping you.


P.S. If online ordering makes you feel uncomfortable, just so you know, I use a 100% secure website for processing all of my credit card and PayPal transactions.

If it's still a problem for you, no worries, I do accept personal and/or bank checks.

You can either send me an email to and/or call my office at 925-246-5551.


Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Mentality Of Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Just received this email from one of my plantar fasciitis program customers.

If you're in need of a big time dose of h-o-p-e, then take a couple of minutes and let this guy's story wash over you.

Hi Brent,

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly with the info. I live in British Columbia, Canada, and for your other Canadian customers, I found the Futuro ankle supports (same as ones on the link you sent) in London Drugs Store.

Please feel free to use any statements in our correspondence. I am so thankful that you have a proven recipe to empower people like myself to take control of my pain, frustration, and stress of worrying whether I'll be able to keep my job (which requires climbing over 1000 stairs and walking 8 to 10 miles per day).

Our total overall state of health (mental, physical, emotional & spiritual) is never static.

With all the daily challenges/stress we face each and every day, our well being fluctuates. I visualize it as a vertical spiral.

If we do nothing to maintain a healthy balance, we slide down the spiral.

And if we make poor choices that affect our balance, we accelerate down at an increasing rate.

If we are not proactive, or do nothing to affect change or manage our health, we may eventually hit bottom and end up very ill, injured or even dead.

I have been on an accelerating spiral down for some time. One of the major factors has been my inability to manage my pain from Plantar Fasciitis.

I was getting so tired and run down that I was getting very depressed and have some very negative thoughts, or "stinking thinking" as Zig Ziglar says.

As I mentioned to you in an earlier email, I have exhausted my finances in an unsuccessful effort to heal, or even manage my Plantar Fasciits pain.

I was so tired and worn out that I was beginning to lose all hope, and was thinking that if this is what life will always be like.... no thanks.

But this has now stopped because of you and your guaranteed treatment program. I will be forever in your debt, for you have given me hope.

I bought the Futuro ankle supports, and some gel heel cups.

And even after 1 night of following your PF treatment program while working, I had much relief in physical heel pain and my mental, emotional and spiritual pain.

With this I now have faith in the future and am no longer worried/stressed about losing my job or having to live a life of misery.

Thank you for unselfishly committing yourself to helping others to be self-empowered and lighten our burdens, and especially for offering it at a very affordable price.

The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social costs of not being in control can be astronomical and devastating. Anyone who suffers from PF truly cannot afford NOT to invest
in your treatment program! And be empowered!

I shall be eternally grateful to you.

All the best to you and yours,

Ian W., British Columbia, CANADA

So, wow, don't know about you, but as I'm sitting here writing to you, after I read Ian's email a
couple of hours ago I'm still filled with hope for all kinds of things!

Look, if you're still sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out your next move with how to deal with your plantar pain, stop thinking about it and just take some definite action to finally put a permanent end to your fasciitis pain.

I'll be honest with you, I'm not a miracle worker, and my program doesn't help 100% of the folks out there who buy it.

But with just a 2% refund rate, is there a chance you can be in that other 98%?

I really hope so, because as you can imagine, it makes me feel really, really good to receive emails like Ian's where I've been able to help him get his life back.

I would love nothing more than to be able to publish a similar email from you where we all get to read how you're now back doing your favorite activities without any more pain.

Let's get you started right now, today, and maybe like Ian, after a short 24 hours you just might be feeling significant pain relief.

Give my program a really honest effort for 15 days, and if you're not feeling anywhere as good as Ian now feels, then just let me know and I'll immediately refund 100% of your purchase price.

Follow this link to pick up your treatment program:

Thanks for your continued interest and looking forward
to helping you.


P.S. If online ordering makes you feel uncomfortable, just so you know, I use a 100% secure website for processing all of my credit card and PayPal transactions.

If it's still a problem for you, no worries, I do accept personal and/or bank checks.


Monday, August 17, 2009

Vacationing with Plantar Fasciitis

If you've ever tried to combine some form of a vacation while you're putting up with plantar pain, you know just how miserable that whole experience can be...

My wife Mai and I have both been through a few bouts of plantar fasciitis, but not a long long time because we now spend a short 5 minute session every day of light stretching and strengthening to help us prevent another miserable plantar injury from ruining another vacation.

That picture was taken this August at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota, and if you've ever been there, you know that there is some serious walking that needs to happen if you want to really experience that awesome monument.

I could never have made that walk and also enjoyed the incredible day if I'd still had a plantar injury. No way...

"Hi Brent,

Just to let you know that I have received the DVD and I cannot believe the
difference in just two days doing your programme.

After almost 10 years of suffering it is quite amazing!

The raw feeling in my heel has definitely calmed down.

I should have contacted you a long time ago Brent!

Many many thanks."

Barbara S, United Kingdom

Mai and I also did some fishing along the way back home to California stopping in Wyoming,Utah, and Lake Tahoe to see if we could test the limit (they weren't biting as much as we'd hoped, and as one guy told us, "yeah, I was just two short of the limit". (The limit was 2...)

Mai loves to get into the water, and if you've ever tried to navigate a river with sandals or even bare feet, you know how painful it can be to step on a rock with your heel.

It makes fishing about as much fun as getting hooked yourself.

Look, if you love to get out there on a vacation, whether it's hiking, fishing, walking, or even just shopping, you don't have to do so and put up with your plantar pain anymore.

Try my 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed plantar fasciitis self-treatment program for 15 days, and my bet is that we can get you back to where you want be, pain free and enjoying all of your very favorite vacation activities.

Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551

  • $47 - DVD Version

    • Your Plantar Fasciitis Treatment program DVD is placed in the US Postal mail to you within 1 business day of your order.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping feesto anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

    • If you want to get started treating your plantar injury immediately, you also get immediate access to the treatment program's download page so you can download any or some of the videos, which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod, and the PDF Text Companion file, and the Personal Consultation Form.

      • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files.

  • $47 - Computer Data CD Version

    • Choose this version if you do not have a DVD player and a high speed internet connection.

    • The Data CD disc plays the treatment videos on your computer.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

  • $37 - Download (no Disc) Version

    • You get immediate access to the entire treatment program including all of the video files, the PDF Text Companion, and the Personal Consultation Form

    • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod.

Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Frozen Water Bottle Myth

The Frozen Water Bottle Myth...

I don't get it. Why would we want to ice down the healthy parts of our foot?

This recommendation I frequently hear that we should freeze a water bottle and then roll our foot over it to reduce inflammation and I guess break up scar tissue makes absolutely no sense to me at all.

I remember back to when I had my plantar injuries and I was an icing monster. Big bags of ice several times a day.

I'd sit there thinking I was doing something good for my injury. Wrong...

My foot just got tighter and tighter and the pain got worse. Very frustrating.

We all know that applying ice, if done properly, can help reduce inflammation, so why would we ice down those areas that don't have inflammation?

Rolling our foot over a frozen water bottle?

I mean, come on, there's only about 5% of our foot that's actually injured. (Yeah I know, it feels like our entire body is being tortured when we suffer a plantar injury)...

I do understand the value of using a massage roller to help stretch out the healthy small arch muscles, but if the arch muscles aren't inflamed, then it makes no sense to me to ice them down.

In fact, the way I see it, if you ice down your healthy arch muscles, you temporarily contract them (shorten them) which makes them pull tighter on the inflamed area of your fascia where it connects to your heel bone.

Anything we do that forces that fascia to pull tighter on the inflammation such as icing with a frozen water bottle or laying our foot down on top of a large bag of ice temporarily defeats the purpose of stretching.

The key for me is to stretch out those small arch muscles to help reduce the tension on the fascia connection to our heel bone, not temporarily shortening those muscles by icing.

So here's my thinking, don't ice what's healthy, stretch out the healthy stuff.


Try my no-risk 3 stage self treatment program to help get you back out there and enjoying your favorite activities.

100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - That's right, if I can't help you with your plantar injury, then just let me know, and I'll promptly refund 100% of your purchase price. Zero questions asked.

Claim your copy now of my very popular and extremely successful plantar self treatment program.


Hi Brent,

Thanks for the follow up. Have been fairly good in keeping to the plan. Just a matter of getting into a routine, as you stated, particularly for the stretches during the day.

Good progress. Certainly less discomfort and much better mobility, particularly after the warm up / stretching routine(s).

Thanks for the program, will continue to provide updates.

Regards, Lester (Australia)


Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551

  • $47 - DVD Version

    • Your Plantar Fasciitis Treatment program DVD is placed in the US Postal mail to you within 1 business day of your order.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping feesto anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

    • If you want to get started treating your plantar injury immediately, you also get immediate access to the treatment program's download page so you can download any or some of the videos, which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod, and the PDF Text Companion file, and the Personal Consultation Form.

      • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files.

  • $47 - Computer Data CD Version

    • Choose this version if you do not have a DVD player and a high speed internet connection.

    • The Data CD disc plays the treatment videos on your computer.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world. Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

  • $37 - Download (no Disc) Version

    • You get immediate access to the entire treatment program including all of the video files, the PDF Text Companion, and the Personal Consultation Form

    • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod.

Want to order by phone and not online?
No problem. 1-925-246-5551