Friday, February 26, 2010

Plantar Fasciitis and "The Stick"

There is no question in my mind that stretching your calf muscles is the #1 key component to eliminating plantar fasciitis inflammation.

However, stretching once a day for 30-45 minutes is fine temporarily, but for the next 23 & 1/2 hours, your calves are trying to contract, shorten, and it's a nasty cycle.

I want to show you what I think it's an inexpensive miracle treatment aid for your fasciitis injury.

Getting stretched out is one thing, but staying stretched out is a very different thing.

If you can maintain the stretch, you can allow that fasciitis injury to heal.

Here's how...


Still Suffering With Your Plantar Fasciitis Pain?

Come on, stop torturing yourself, give me 5 days and let's significantly reduce your plantar pain.

This is craziness just sitting around day after day and dealing with that pain.

100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Absolutely zero questions asked. Your purchase payment is never at risk.

Secure credit card processing. I use the folks over at 1ShoppingCart &, two of the industry's best companies for making sure your payment and contact details are secure and kept confidential.

Claim your guaranteed plantar treatment program now and let's get you back to where you want to be. Pain free and back doing all those things you've been missing...

- QuickStart PDF Guide, DVD, & Immediate Download Access To The Treatment Videos

- QuickStart PDF Guide, DVD, & Immediate Download Access To The Treatment Videos, and 30 minute private one-on-one telephone consultation with Brent

- QuickStart PDF Guide, (no DVD), & Immediate Download Access To The Treatment Videos


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reducing Plantar Inflammation - Stretch For Less Time. Do It More Often...

One of the big problems with dealing with a plantar fasciitis injury is trying to maintain a stretched out position for the muscles in both your feet and your calves.

Think about it...

Conceptually, we need to get our arch and calf muscles stretched out so there is less "pull" from the muscles onto your fascia.

More muscle "pull" onto your fascia and it's really tough to eliminate the inflammation (pain).

I believe that one of the big misconceptions with dealing with a plantar injury is not the fact that we should stretch, but that we should stretch once or twice a day for 30-45 minutes and that's it.

In between those stretching sessions, and let's say you only stretch once a day for 45 minutes, well guess what, those muscles are trying to contract (get shorter) until your next stretching session which might not be for another 24 hours.

If that's your current stretching routine, then you're in a nasty cycle of stretching out muscles and then those muscles are contracting for the rest of the day/night.

So, what's the key?

Shorter stretching sessions of 3-5 minutes and do them several times throughout the day.


Because you can then maintain that stretched out muscle position and get rid of the contracting.

My 3 phase plantar fasciitis treatment program shows you what those stretches are and how to ice properly to get a maximum inflammation reduction.

Also, thought you might get some hope from an email I received yesterday from one of my pleased customers.
Hi Brent,

I've been following your program for 5 days now, doing the Phase 1, 4 times a day to reduce inflamation.

It is definitely helping alot, thank you so much.

As a fitness Instructor I do feel I'm constantly undoing all that work, but the pain has eased a hell of alot & I can walk normally again.

I'm blown away this has only taken 5 days, thank you. So I'm stll progressing & will be continuing with it one day at a time.

I'm doing your 2 min stretch as much as I can, but I know I need to do it more often.

It's more a matter of rembering as well, but it's all good. Hopefully I can move onto Phase 2 soon, but I'm a patient person & understand very well these things take time.

Thanks again,


I want to get an email from you just like Mel's where you share that you are well on your way to getting back to where you want to be.

Choose either the DVD version or the Download Only version of my Planar Fasciitis Treatment program and let's get you healed and hopefully sending me an email within 5 days!

GUARANTEE: Remember, my program is 100% guaranteed to your complete satisfaction. Your purchase is never ever at risk.

Click one of the links below and let's get you started on the quick path to complete pain relief:

- $47 - DVD & Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos)

- $37 - Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos). No disc is sent to you.


P.S. Let's make this the last weekend you have to sit on the sidelines. How cool would it be to be out there enjoying your favorite activities next weekend? I imagine you'd feel pretty good about it...!

- $47 - DVD & Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos)

- $37 - Immediate Download (You get immediate access to the PDF QuickStart Guide & the treatment videos). No disc is sent to you.