Monday, June 29, 2009

Adults at Play...

I've taught and coached tennis for a long, long time, approaching almost 40 years now.

I love to teach, I love to help others, but what I really love to do is to play & compete in tennis tournaments.

Just like you, I've struggled through a plantar fasciitis injury (3 of them to be exact), and the last time I had to put up with a PF injury about 15 years ago I had to shut down all of my tournaments and even my practice matches.

I was miserable...

That picture above was taken a few weeks ago in the finals when I won the Marin Seniors in Mill Valley, CA.

Being able to play tournaments and train as much as I want to without a plantar injury feels like a bonus because I know the pain, the frustration, and the depression that a plantar fascia injury can impose on us.

Exercise Tip...

One of the things that has kept me injury free for so long now is to make sure I do a couple of things every time I play tennis, do off court training, walk the dogs, take a long walk or hike, or any decent amount of exercise is to wear my ankle wraps on both feet and to take a minute or two to stretch my calf muscles every 30 minutes or so.

The other important factor for me is to make sure I don't do the same training routine two days in a row so my body and muscles don't begin to get too tight and/or get one or more muscle areas too strong so I get a bit out of balance.

Exercise is great, we all know that fact, but variety is the real key to maintaining a balanced body, and I'm convinced that too much of the same exercise can tend to tighten you up, and no matter how much stretching you do to counter that tightening, you can set yourself up for a plantar injury.

What To Do Now...

OK, I'm sure with your plantar injury that you're good and hungry to get back to your normal daily activities which I hope also includes a good deal of exercise.

When your self-treating your plantar injury, it's vital that you maintain or start an exercise program that is non-impact.

Gravity is your enemy at this stage, and the old thinking that you've got to "play through the pain" is only going to re-aggravate any inflammtion you've got.

Until that inflammation has been knocked out, any impact exercise such as running, tennis, long distance walking, even standing for long periods of time, etc. should be avoided.

However, swimming, stationary & road biking (as long as you don't stand up on the bike), maybe even the elliptical trainer should be OK and shouldn't aggravate your inflammation.

If you're on the bike or the elliptical trainer be sure to stop every 10-15 minutes and take a minute or two to stretch our your calf and arch muscles.

If you're swimming laps, avoid pushing off the wall with your feet.

Don't Stand On The Sidelines Any Longer

Start Phase 1 - Inflammation Elimination of my plantar fasciitis self-treatment in the next couple of minutes.

Claim your no-risk 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed treatment program now and let's get you back out there enjoying whatever is your favorite activity...

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
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$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
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One of my customers, Doug F., recently sent me an email.

Here's what Doug had to say...

"Hi Brent- I just completed day 14 and I really am doing so much better.

I have no pain most of the time and can walk really well.

I have to press hard to find my tender area and many times I can't seem to find this spot.

Before I came down with PF, I enjoyed walking/running about 2 miles per day.

This routine seems to be good for me, before I tried this stretching, I had PF for about 2 months or more and it was not going away.

I can't thank you enough for your help and direction that you gave me, it's the best $37 dollars that I have spent.

Have a great day, I will continue my stretch program forever.

Regards, Doug"

I'm hoping to be able to soon get an email like Doug's from you.

If you're sick and tired of "sitting on the sidelines", do something about it. Claim your copy today of my no-risk plantar fasciitis self-treatment program.

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
Click here

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