Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Morning Dog Run

A quick story and then a tip to help you finally rid yourslef of your plantar pain...

My wife Mai and I love to get out in the mornings with our two beloved canines, Bob and Allie, and head on over to our local dog park.

Once there, Mai and I take a brisk walk around the park for about 25-30 minutes as Bob and Allie check out all the new smells and play with their buds.

It's a great way to start the day, rain or shine, but back when I was suffering through one of my plantar injuries, there was no way I could have been a part of this scene, especially the walking around the park part.  

I guess I could have sat in the car and just watched, but that would have been torture sitting there watching what I could be doing and knowing that the pain in my heel simply wouldn't allow it.

If you're sick and tired of NOT being able to get out there and do whatever is your very favorite activity, take action right now, claim your copy of my very successful self-treatment Plantar Fasciitis that comes with a lifetime 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

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One of my customers, Doug F., recently sent me an email.

Here's what Doug had to say...

"Hi Brent- I just completed day 14 and I really am doing so much better. 

I have no pain most of the time and can walk really well. 

I have to press hard to find my tender area and many times I can't seem to find this spot. 

Before I came down with PF, I enjoyed walking/running about 2 miles per day.

This routine seems to be good for me, before I tried this stretching, I had PF for about 2 months or more and it was not going away. 

I can't thank you enough for your help and direction that you gave me, it's the best $37 dollars that I have spent.

Have a great day, I will continue my stretch program forever.

Regards, Doug"

I'm hoping to be able to soon get an email like Doug's from you.

If you're sick and tired of "sitting on the sidelines", do something about it.  Claim your copy today of my no-risk plantar fasciitis self-treatment program.

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
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$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
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100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee


Quick Plantar Tip...

If you wake up in the middle of the night, and especially if you have to get out of bed to use the bathroom, take one minute to flex your foot and stretch your arch muscles and fascia.

Just straighten your leg, flex your foot as far "open" as you can and hold that position for about 15 seconds.  Relax for 5 seconds, and then repeat the stretch for another 15 seconds.  Repeat one more time for a total of about one minute.

If you have to get out of bed in the middle of the night, do this one minute flexing stretch session before you get out of bed and then again when you get back into bed.

$47 - DVD Mailed To You (No additional shipping charges to anywhere in the world) & Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
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$37 - Immediate Download Access to Treatment Videos & QuickStart PDF Text Companion
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