Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's A Date Day, Not A Date Night...

If you're still suffering every day with your plantar injury, then take a moment here to read a couple of quick stories, one from one of my customers and another one about my wife Mai and our "date day" this past Tuesday.  

One of my plantar customers, Bernadette, wrote to me recently saying how much the ankle wrap and heel cups along with my treatment program have helped her quickly & finally get over her plantar fasciitis injury that she suffered through for quite a long time.  

Here's what Bernadette had to say...  

"Hello Brent, On your advice I purchased the heel cups and ankle supports last night and already this morning my feet are much better.  

From the insights gathered from watching your treatment program videos last night, I realised that I was damaging my feet anew every morning, so I massaged my feet before stepping out of bed this morning so as not to continue damaging them and that in itself allowed me to start the day with minimal pain, 100% better than the day before!  

I kept thinking about all those little muscles you described so well while I was massaging.  

The videos and written document together enable me to proceed with confidence.  

Thanks for this thorough work.  

The price is well under the cost of visiting a specialist to address this situation."  

Bernadette L., Australia 

Call me a sap, but these kinds of emails really make my day!  

And just another quick story about wife Mai and I and our day this past afternoon.  

And again, call me a sap, but Tuesdays are our "date" days (love this home office online business), and our two dogs always get to be a part of our Tuesday date day.  

This past Tuesday was about 65 degrees out here in northern California, no wind, and drop dead gorgeous green rolling hills.  

Just seeemed like a good afternoon to get in a nice long warm hike with our two beloved critters Bob & Allie (pics to follow below!).  

Anyway, being able to take advantage of a "date day" like this past Tuesday with my wonderful wife Mai was just not possible when I was going through any one of my past 3 plantar injuries.  

Pure misery...  

But I can now do almost anything I want to out there because I'm now well into Phase 3 of my plantar treatment program - Future Injury Prevention.  

Our "date days" revolve around hikes with the dogs, or a couple of hours of tennis, or a walk along the beach, you get the picture...  

If you're still suffering with a plantar injury, well, you don't have to be.  

Follow the path that Bernadette did, claim your copy of my treatment program, and let's get you back to whatever is your favorite activity, and doing that favorite activity totally pain free.  

Follow this link to put a quick & permanent end to your plantar pain right now. (And yes, you'll find a couple of pics there of Bob, Allie, and Mai!).  

This is a totally risk free program.  

If I can't help you put a quick & permanent end to your plantar injury, then just ask for and you'll promptly receive a full refund.  

Thanks and looking forward to helping you. Brent